(Heidi) Hudson Leick at Stellar Con

Fairfield, CA, May 4, 1997

(transcript posted to the Chakram mailing list by Jeff Schneiter)

This is the not-so-official fan's transcript from Heidi Hudson Leick's appearance at The Stellar Con, held on Sunday May 4th, 1997 in Fairfield, California. Ms. Leick is currently most well known for her recurring role as Callisto in the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess".

This wasn't a perfect recording, so I missed some of what was said - sometimes people just plain talked too fast, or too softly. There was also some quick banter between Hudson and the person asking that question that I couldn't make out; nothing major I hope :) Several times I condensed the question down, putting the summary in brackets, meaning that the person had a difficult time getting his/her question out - this was enough work to type without dealing with the tongue tied questions.

There is also mention of a Young Callisto, the first person Hudson grabbed out of the audience, making her come up on stage. This girl was around 15 or 16 and had the most incredible Callisto outfit on - easily worth several hundred dollars. During the "costume contest" she was very flamboyant, trying to work the crowd, having a good time. She changes her tune when Hudson gets her on stage :)

You should be able to get a copy of this tape very soon from the Hudson Leick Video Exchange: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/7006

A few notes on the players:

Ed: He is the guy that puts on the conventions in Fairfield. He sends out invitations to actors and actresses and waits for replies. He has been doing this for quite a few years, and his first couple conventions didn't even have any guests. It feels like you are spending an afternoon in Ed's living room as he plays tapes and has friends over.

HL: Hudson Leick, of course.

XH: Xena's Husband. This is the nickname we gave to a young, mentally handicaped local. During his question to Hudson, he wanted Xena's address, he knew she lived in New Zealand, but needed a little more info to go on :) He deserves his own title because of his exhuberent performance.

AM: Audience Member. Sometimes an AM would shout out a question or comment.

----Begin transcript----

Ed's intro (started the tape a tad late): ...she says you need...try something different. And which I had been contemplating doing a Hollywood show, and with the [?] and everything, it was very difficult. I was lucky enough to run into Hudson's manager, at least make a phone call. I ran into a very nice lady and man - because she had two managers at the time - who helped me out and made this all this possible.

The only episodes that I've watched of Xena have been about four of them, and it just happened to be the March month, in which Callisto *was* the show. And I have to say that...I talked to my friends and everything...I really scrutinize actors and actresses usually on the show, and go "oh my gosh, this doesn't seem believeable". But as an actress, she is very very good. I mean, you guys have to admit, when she went, and Xena's spirit took over her body, how many of you didn't believe it? It was just right there. So, she's a great actress.

I'm going to show a tidbit of one of the scenes. I believe it's the time in which she runs into Gabriel after she had, I think, "done in" Gabriel's husband. [moans and laughter from audience] If I can use that term....

[shows clip of ANE, after Callisto gets out of the tomb and talks to Gabby; sticks sword in belly]

Ed: Hudson Leick!

[Roaring applause]

Hudson comes out on stage amidst the long applause of several hundred people; the yelling and clapping rose and fell in synch with her command of the audience - her lithe body swooning and swaying, leaving the audience spell- bound and in her palm. Her presence was way beyond my expectations - this was not the shy Hudson I heard about at Burbank! What else could the audience do but to yell: she had the power to turn our brains off; we could either enjoy the primitive side with obedient howling, or sit and stare, speechless and enthralled. Since I was holding the tape recorder, I was reduced to the speechless and drooling mind-set.

She was wearing an enticing red and white dress, a little above the knees, tight around the waist, shoulders wonderfully exposed. Her body was in constant motion, hips moving to and fro, the stomach of Callisto easily envisioned thru the form fitting dress. Her feet were bound in the leather straps of her white shoes, high heels giving her an extra three inches. Those feet were all over the place throughout her performance, never resting, always moving between the ground and her back as she lifted them behind her. Her hair was bound tightly at the back of her head, parted on the right side. I LIKED it like this - very sexy; showing her face, neck, and ears beautifully.

She made her way to the equipment table, spying the Hercules toy sword. Picking it up, she held it before her in the classic Callisto pose, turned her head to the audience with a wonderfully wicked look in her eyes and said "Anybody want to play with me?" The crowd that had just quited down went into a huge frenzy: yells and laughter filled the hall.

"I found this backstage" she says of the sword, and starts to play with it, bringing out the "sha-ching" sounds of the toy; holds the microphone up to it, "Can you hear that?" as she swings it around some more.

"Are you having fun?" hmmm...only a halfhearted yell from the audience.

She walked up to the edge of the stage, tilted her head back, gave a look of coyful resignation and pleaded "So what do you want from me?" Nudges and winks flew across the hall, embarassed groans of those caught thinking their indelicate thoughts. "I have a list!" comes flying from the back. Yes, don't we all.

"A dinner" is suggested, she repeats it, then adds "a rat?" Further inaudible suggestions are made, then the crowd quiets to a dull rumble.

"What can I tell you?" she asks in a serious manner. "Umm... I'll take my gum out." Oh yes, I can't forget - that a habit I found annoying in a girlfriend becomes attractive when Hudson does it: chewing her gum in a big manner, I guess I would call it - her jaws working overtime and the sound carrying twenty feet away. She swayed and strutted back over to the equipment table and stuck her gum to one of the boxes, "because I got class."

"Um, Xena is amazing to work on, it's a lot of fun."

"It's so odd to be up here and have a whole bunch of people staring at me." A little laughter, then a couple words I can't make out.

"Does anyone want to ask me anything?" Oh boy, do we ever! People shouting out stuff; I catch "When are you coming back?!" I can only assume the questioner means about Callisto coming back on Xena.

"Come on up." She motions to someone sitting in the audience. "Yeah you, come on up."

"You look lovely." Upon the stage enters Young Callisto from the costume contest. Unlike her previous display of arm waving and crowd rallying, this time she is quiet and unable to believe her own experiences. To be dressed up as one of your idles, then thrust upon the stage with her in person has got to be the most mind numbing experience.

"Show everyone what you look like" Hudson prompts the young girl. "Look at *this*" she proudly says of her protege. The young Callisto finally spins for the crowd. [Darn, several comments from Hudson that I can't make out].

Hudson checks out the weaponry the girl is carrying; as I mentioned earlier, a couple fine pieces of art. She points out the weapons and says "you going to show us some moves?" Wisely, the young Callisto responds with "No, that's okay." She has one big grin on her face, but also a fear of appearing ridiculous maybe; a shyness that wasn't there before. How can one even try to show off in front of the One True Callisto.

"Did you make this?" Hudson asks of the incredible costume. "It's wonderful." No disagreement from the crowd.

I can't make out the girl's response, but I believe that she got out a sentence or two about the fine craftsman that did it.

"Do you know how to use your sword?" Hudson further inquires. The girl can only respond with a shake of the head, still wearing her big smile - the smile that replaces speech when your mouth is unable to work. The crowd laughs loudly with symphathy, not wanting to weild a sword before the goddess either.

"I can take advantage of her, couldn't I" Hudson declares to the crowd, walking around her victim, talking down to the mic, eyes piercing and seductive. Oh, to have her say those things of me - I could not have been alone in that sentiment.

There's a brief exchange about the sword upon the young girl's back and the dagger in her belt, real weapons nicely balanced. "Oh this is a nice one" Hudson says of the sword after getting it out of the scabbard, holding it with actual admiration. "And you don't know how to *use* it?" Once again the girl can only shake her head, mumble something I can't hear - maybe now she will have that burning desire to learn one of the most difficult fighting skills, that of the straight sword.

"Do you have any questions for me?" Hudson begins to wrap up their one-on-one session, giving a more friendly face to a most exciting time for a young fan. But alas, the awestruck warrior-in-training can not bring any forth, giving a "no" with another shake of the head. I feel complete sympathy for her: being on center stage, wondering why her mind is not shelling out any of the questions that she surely has stored away somewhere. Hopefully she will not kick herself too hard tomorrow, for this was a rare opportunity, one that just has to be enjoyed for what was given.

"You feel akward, huh?" Hudson feels for her too; maybe she is thinking of her first appearance on the stage of Burbank, with two thousand screaming fans?

"I'll put it back, okay." It's time to put the sword back in the scabbard. But this gives us another opportunity for laughter - the image of Hudson holding a real sword, pointing straight into the back of the other Callisto as she tries, and easily manages, to slide it back into it's home. That brief instant that the sword point was below the back of the neck; was it irony? a collective need to laugh? whatever it was, a big laugh was let out. "All done," Hudson says with her sincere voice as the sword slides home.

Young Callisto does ask a question about Hudson managing to do those flips while her sword is strapped to her back. Something that appears akward to me too. "How do I flip with it on my back?" she repeats the question to the crowd. "I don't." Simple as that. Us fanatical fans know how the stunts are worked in with stuntmen and women; so we appreciate her smile as she gives the answer. "That would be the stunties, that flip," she continues. "Not me, I don't flip. I *do* fight, but I don't flip."

"Thank you so much for coming," she closes with a smile. The crowd correctly gives a big applause, the feeling of the party in Ed's living room making everyone continue in their shared happiness....what a way to make the day of a young fan.

Someone then directs those with questions to line up at stage left near the microphone. I wonder later whether the man holding the mic is Hudson's boyfriend; she never comes out and points him out as such - but the glances and his actions might lead one to assume so, along with a remark that she makes later while looking in his direction.

Q1: I would like to know, whether or not you ride the horses very well, how much of that was you, how much was the stunt person. And do you have any funny stories to tell about working with the animals.

A: Do you want the truth? I got the job...and right before I got the job and I was auditioning...I knew I didn't know how to ride horses. I rode when I was twelve. But I made sure to add 'Oh, I'm really good at horses'. So I showed up, and I rode for a day, and I got pretty good at it. So I did a lot of my own riding. Some of the things that they do, like when they have me scoop up Gabriel - as you can see [holds up her left arm, giving the 'flex the bicep' move, pointing out how incredibly skinny she is] - it would be hard for me to scoop up Gabriel. They'll have a man dressed as Callisto, and you'll see the back of him, and he'll scoop her up.

Q1: Thank you very much.

HL: You're welcome.

Q2: Hi, I wanted to say happy birthday.

HL: Thank you [she really appreciated it!]

Q2: And I also wanted to ask you when you are going to be back [something]?

HL: What's your name?

Q2: Karen.

HL: Karen. [big applause for something....I think I hear "Xena" coming from Karen, maybe they were clarifying the question?] June.....and I'll be a god. [huge yells, cheers, and clapping! Hudson loved it...she strutted and held her head high]

Q3: Do you like to scare people? Like with your character from tv, like if some...oh god...

[Hudson had been approaching the woman asking the question, the woman backed off with the 'oh god'. Hudson laughed]

HL: I'll back off, alright?

Q3: Okay.

HL: Alright.

Q3: Like, do you like to scare people with your, like, on tv character sometimes? Like in real life. And what kind of music do you like?

HL: Do I like to scare people in real life? Um, no, I don't think I'm quite as psychotic as, well...the man I live with is here, and he might answer that differently. And my best friend since I was 15 years old is here as well, and where is she?

AM: She's over here.

HL: Artemis where are you? [Artemis waves from her seat at stage right] That's her; so she might answer that a little differently too. You can imagine, 14, (blond, trippy?) [hard to make out]. So what was the other question? What's my favorite music?

Q3: Yeah.

HL: [thinks for quite a while] Um, I like Sinead O'Connor actually. Yeah.

Q4: [XH is up now. As I said earlier, I will not transcribe the question, since it is a really hard to follow the rambling thing; something to do with the time that Xena is on in his area. If he is anything like my brother (who is very retarded and with minor autism), he has a fixation on what time certain shows start - remember Rain Man? He wanted Xena's address and said that they have been married for 15 years if I heard correctly. Man can this guy ramble. He thinks that Hudson is Xena maybe? I know that he was confused earlier when Julie Catlin-Brown from Bablyon 5 was on stage (now that is one TALL lady!).]

HL: So I'll tell her that her ex-husband is looking for her. [big applause and laughter]

Q1: [He rambled on for another 30 seconds or so, then walked away with his hand held high in the air; a big smile of triumph on his face. Hudson endured it with quiet patience, was able to maintain her smile - a necessary quality in the world of stardom.]

Q5: My name is Bleak [? a dude] and happy birthday once again....Are you going to be doing any more projects with Aaron Spelling, like University Hospital or Melrose Place or something

AM: Hell no! [a good fit of laughter over that one]

HL: Actually I might do a project on Seventh Heaven. [cheering]

Q5: Second part is...would you go to the prom with me? [whole bunch o' laughter]

HL: Will I go to the prom with you?

Q5: Uhhh, yes.

HL: yeah, I'd go to your prom with you [with a sexy voice!]

Q5: Oh joy!

HL: Is that for me? [pointing to the box he was holding]

[not sure what goes on here...a little talk back and forth, some big laughs]

Q6: Hi, my name is Ronnie and I would like to wish you happy birthday also. And I have a couple questions actually: I was wondering if you could do one of your infamous yells, screams? [HUGE approval from the audience]

HL: It's really loud....I haven't done one in a long time...alright [begins to get ready, breathing deep]

AM: Put the mike down! [HL busts up laughing, has to start over]

HL: [awesome scream...what a JOY to see live!]

Q6: Thank you.

HL: You're welcome [she says breathlessly, a little silly sounding]

Q6: [a little tough getting it out; but she was trying to say how dull the Xena show is without Callisto; that Hudson's acting, her yells, her comments bring life to the show]

Q6: And I wanted to know if I could shake your hand.

HL: Absolutely! [so they do]

Q7: I wanted to know if it was hard imitating Lucy Lawless when Callisto and Xena switched bodies.

HL: It was really hard; I didn't like it at all, which I've said a couple times. Not too eloquently I think. Um, yeah, because Lucy is a completely different human being than I am, and that's not how Hudson Leick would portay a character, so I had to imitate her motions. And it was hard. And boring [some shocked laughter]. Not that *she* is boring, I don't mean that! I mean this for me, I mean...nyah, i don't know, whatever...I can't get out of this one [a shake of the head, a 'stuck with the foot in the mouth' smile].

Q7: What was your favorite episode to play in?

HL: The last one I think...and, and Hercules. Did anyone see Hercules? [another big whoop from the crowd - yeah, she was great in that episode!]

[XH shows up again, charges to the stage, holding his hands up in the air. This time talking about Hercules being on at 7pm.]

HL: Oh yeah. You're not married to him tho are you? [good for some more laughter]

Q8: [a very young girl, about 10 years old, has a hard time asking if Hudson would like to be in a Xena *movie* also - she must be thinking of the Herk/Xena cartoon, and having Callisto in it. Sounds *great* to me :) ]

HL: Oh yeah. [She is so great with kids; she becomes a kid, nodding her head, stretching out her words, giving the great looks] I love your outfit. [this is the Young Xena with the costume made by mom - her mom made a Xena and Callisto outfit; Callisto for the girl's friend]

Q9: Hi, my name is Michael.

HL: Hi Michael.

Q9: Hi.

HL: He's blushing already. Did you see that? [she walks away with laughter, imitating a blushing in action]

Q9: I've seen your tv movie, I forget what it's called, but it's with Anthony Michael Hall, and I've seen you on Touched By an Angel, and I've saw [hard to make out.] [Oh yeah, this is the guy with the "special flower" as a gift for Hudson - it's a rose made of glass. He gives his special flower speech, about it not dying]

AM: Short questions! [no doubt! I agree, it is taking so long just to get to the ninth question...Hudson repeats what he said for those that didn't hear, giving a little laugh]

HL: Awww, that's beautiful. [she holds it up for the audience] It's glass [the audience ooohs and aaahs and applauds]

Q10: Hi, my name's William.

HL: Hi William.

Q10: I would like to know how's your last name is pronounced.

HL: "Like" [absolutely no hesitation...she's quite ready to answer this one]

Q10: "Like"?

HL: "Like". It's German.

A10: And your name Hudson, that's an interesting name for a girl. Is there any kind of story behind it?

HL: My first name is Heidi. My full name is Heidi Hudson Leick. Hudson is my middle name, it's my grandmother's maiden name.

Q10: Great. Also, um, I know later on that Callisto's a god right now [can't understand rest of sentence]. Um, she can't play with Xena anymore, she'll just blast her [more that i can't make out]

HL: No idea what they are going to do . [incoherent] I'm a god, what can she do?

Mic guy: What's your name.

Q11: Samatha. [a little voice says]

HL: Hi Samatha!!

Q11: Hi.

HL: Hi [with such the sweet voice for the shy little girl at the mic] Come on kiddo, you're doing good.

Q11: Do you like what you do on tv? [this girl's voice is just so precious!]

HL: Yeah [she says deeply and with a smile]

Mic guy: Do you have another question?

Q11: Uh huh...how much do you like it? [the crowd thinks it the perfect question for such a young child...laughter]

HL: Very very much [this is where Hudson is practically bent in half, talking into the mic, looking between her legs. You have to see it to believe it. Unfortunately she is looking at the back of the stage :) What kind of pose is this for a stage appearance? That's Hudson I guess.]

Q12: Hi, I just have a really quick question for you. There was a rumor floating around and I haven't heard anything about it. And, that you were going to do Babylon 5; is that correct, or is that not true?

HL: No, that's a rumor I think.

Mic guy: That was, that was an April fools joke on the internet.

AM: Show us some moves!

HL: In this!? [pointing to her tight dress, incredulous] No! I can't even kick! [she does some funny moves here, pretending to start some kicks, bringing her feet up, doing a little spin here and there...then one move spreads her legs a little too far, most definitely giving the front row a show!]

AM in the front row: Thank you for that!

HL: You're welcome [busting up with laughter] He's getting a peepshow [something close to that, really hard to tell]

Q13: [hard to make out] Since your move to godhood status, wouldn't a demi-god be more your speed with Herc? [huh? I think he meant that she should be more classified as a demi- god, like Herc, as opposed to a full-blown god] Is there any chance...

HL: Demi-god? What do you mean? Like to be on Herc?

Q13: [to show up on Herc? what?]

HL: Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll be on Herc again. Yes [?], beating him up. I'm pretty good at that. [prances the stage, struts her stuff] Egostical man.

Q14: I'm Cassidy [last name ?], and I would like to know if you like working on, which one you like working on better, Hercules or Xena?

HL: Um, which one do I enjoy working on more? I'd have to say Xena. Well, for two different reasons: Hercules, um, how can I say this nicely? Um....[long pause, walks back and forth]...

AM: Just say it!

HL: Just say it [with laughter]. Um...the atmosphere is a little bit different on both sets: one is very masculine and one is very feminine, and I prefer the feminine one. How's that? Pretty good, huh? [much cheering]

Q14: And I would like to add that it's also my birthday.

HL: Happy birthday [very sincere!] Taurus, huh. [as she walks right over to the edge of the stage, squats down as much as her dress lets her and gets close to the girl with the same birthday] You're a taurus [maybe the girl didn't catch the earlier taurus reference] You didn't know that? How old are you?

Q14: Eleven.

HL: Happy birthday.

Q14: Thank you.

HL: You're welcome.

Q15: Hi, my name is [?]....

HL: What's your name? [a pause while she waits for the answer, then some awesome Hudson laughter] Did you just see that face she gave me?! I said 'what's your name' and she goes [shows the face of a young girl annoyed, with a touch of frustration]. Callisto in the making.

Q15: I would like, I kinda wondered, I...huh...[sighs, takes a breath]. I want to knowif all the costuming you wear is heavy.

HL: Ummm...nope. It's not, it's light.

Q16: I'm [name?] and I'd like to know, um, if....um, [blanks out]

HL: Oh I hate that when that happens, don't you? It's terrible. What do you want to know?

[she completely blanks out and leaves the line]

Q17: Hello, I'm not married to Xena [and some prom joke], but I was wondering what it was that made you decide you wanted to go into acting.

HL: Um...mmm mmm...I either wanted to be a shrink or an actress...really. And when i, um...[laughs] everyone's like 'what? why? that doesn't make any sense; look at her. she couldn't be a shrink.' Um, i started taking classes, and I started taking acting classes at the same time, and I couldn't get thru the tests.

Q17: Really?

HL: So...yeah, it was nice to be up on the stage and hide behind another character.

Q17: [lame question, he couldn't word it right, she didn't catch on...it was about any preconceived notions of hers as to when she would give up acting, when she would call it quits. She just says "I never gave up"]

Q18: [a young girl asks about how she put the sword thru her stomach - ANE]

HL: It's a retractable sword, so when you press on it, it goes into itself [hand motions trying to help out]. You didn't get that? You got it? Alright.

[The girl says she does, thanks her and leaves.]

Q19: [A woman dressed up as Gabrielle, very short hair, glasses, signatures on her outfit] Hi.

HL: Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

Q19: Yes, I was at Burbank, I got your autograph from you [points above her left breast].

HL: Yes, and a very appropriate place.

Q19: I was wondering what you actually did for your role...to get the role of Callisto?

HL: What I did? Went into the group of...a room full of people and read, just read, and I was supposed to...I mean I had seen Hercules and they were all wearing little tiny outfits, so I wore a dress down to here [she draws a line at her ankles], literally, and covered up completely [another line at her wrists], and they also wanted you to move in it, but I had all these clothes on, so like women I suppose were auditioning and they were kicking and jumping [tries to make some moves], but I didn't do that, I just played a psychotic [makes faces, becomes one with psychosis - crowd loves it, she laughs]. The rest is history.

Q19: Can I shake your hand too?

HL: Yes you can shake my hand...you can give me a hug. [she goes down the steps for a hug, arms open, and her still being silly from her quick psychotic imitation - big applause]

[someone comes on stage, saying that there is only time for a couple more questions]

Q20: Who designs the costumes and where are they made?

HL: They're made in New Zealand, and a woman named [oh man, I can't even guess as to how her name is spelled, sorry! It sounds like Nyla Seekerson] She's very talented.

Q21 [Rich Chung]: Can you tell us something about some future projects, some tv shows that you are going to be on? Are you going to be back on Touched By an Angel?

HL: [her answer isn't caught on tape, but I remember it being an anguished "I don't know". In one brief second she gave us Greek tradgedy, bemoaning an unknown future. She really wants to work, but isn't sure of the future. Rich didn't catch any of that from his viewpoint at the other end of the stage, her back to him]

AM: Where's Jake's money?

HL: Who's Jake?...[she catches on quickly tho] Where's Jake's money? I don't know [in a brain damaged voice] I don't know where Jake's money is. I don't care where Jake's money is. I don't like Jake. [great voice inflections the whole way thru that one!] [She played the ex-husband of Jess, Jake's brother on Melrose Place. Jess was played by Dan Cortese]

Q21: [Rich stays on track :)] Do you believe in angels yourself?

HL: Do I believe in angels? That's a good question. Um, i definitely believe in something greater than myself. I believe in a great spirit. I don't know about angels, I think there is a lot of stuff we human beings have no idea of, and that we think we know so much of, we don't. [that gets a round of applause]

Q22: Hi Hudson, my name is Carol.

HL: Hi Carol.

Q22: I want to know exactly where you where born at, and if you have any siblings, and if they're in [the tv industry?].

HL: Cinncinati, Ohio, 1969, May 9th. Um, i have one older sister that's a year and a half older than i am, and no she is not in show business.

Q22: One more question. Can I get a real quick picture with you?

HL: Yep, come on up. You're the next contestant. [the lucky lady jumps up on stage, poses next to Hudson while her friend takes the picture. And, of course, Hudson is being silly and makes for a great pose!! Big applause!]

[Xena's ex runs up to the stage again, with the photo of Callisto in hand "That's you" he says to Hudson, "I know", not in an abrupt way at all, nice and playful, being almost childlike...she still maintains her calm composure even at his third interruption. His friends manage to drag him back. He's wants to keep talking.]

[During this the guy with the mic puts the mic down and tries to help maintain XH. The next questioner in line grabs the mic and wants to keep the ball rolling.]

HL: Oooh, a woman that takes charge, look at you go. [a collective "woohoo" is had by all]

Q23: [something about Hudson's wonderful stomach, and how she maintains it]

HL: Well, first of all, i don't think that we should all judge each other for what other women look like, I think that really messes us up. I almost swore, I did so good, i didn't swear. Um, because we're all so physically different anyhow. And it...the way I turned out, I'm so skinny and scrawny and I, I mean I'm grateful for my body...

AM: so are we!

HL: I think they really mess you up. i do (jogging?) for strength...for strength and that's what builds up the muscles that I have.

[a quick exchange about acceptance of your own body that I can't make out. HL closes with saying that the girl asking the question is beautiful...and she's right!]

Q24: Actually, I have two questions [another very young girl, with the cutest little voice]

HL: Okay, I have two answers.

Q25: How can I get on the Xena show? [HUGE applause]

HL: Um...you would have to go to LA, and audition.

Q25: And also, where were you born?

HL: In Ohio [poor soul]

AM: [some woohoo's]

HL: People from Ohio here? Well go!

Q26: Hi, my name is Dawn.

HL: Hi Dawn.

Q26: [some really quick statement that makes HL laugh...SLOW down people! talk clearly :) ] Are you and Lucy Lawless friends in real life? Or...you know, like real good friends?

HL: No. We're acquaintances, but I don't know her that well except when I come to the set, and she's very gracious and very kind.

Q26: And it's all business [something]?

HL: [basically yes]

Q26: Thank you.

HL: You're welcome. In fact, we all went to Disney Land recently. She came out here...who else? You know who Aphrodite is? [big cheer; something she says I can't make out, maybe she the actresses name?]

XH: [incoherent yell]

HL: You like Aphrodite, huh? [to XH, in a nudge nudge wink wink sort of way. Then more yelling by XH] Oh, and Cupid, Cupid went with us too.

Q27: I have heard recently from a friend that you were Playboy playmate of the year. Is that true? [this one stops her in her tracks, while the crowd goes wild, imagining that, knowing that she easily could be]

HL: No. Big no.

[HUGE cheering as she wraps it up]

HL: Thank you....thank you for watching. And I will see you soon [man I love her voice :) ]

[She walks off to more applause]

----End of transcript----

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