AOL Chat with Ted Raimi

October 26, 1999

Welcome Ted, thanks so much for joining us!

Ted: Greetings fans of Xena, Herc and all Ted spotters!

Ted, wonderful, wonderful job that you did on both Fallen Angel and Chakram. Are you happy about the direction that Joxer has taken this year and will they keep his development up?

Ted: Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I am happy about it. I think they can only go up from here as far as his development is concerned because I think he has been an underdeveloped character so far. But that's to be expected since he's only a minor character.

How many Xena episodes are you in the season? Anything you can tell us?

Ted: I will be in most of the episodes. This will be a very experimental year for Xena, probably the strangest and most wild anyone has seen. In fact, coming up in the couple of weeks, maybe 3, I will be doing an all musical episode. I play my own twin gay brother.

You said you were going to film a movie in Detroit, have you started that yet? Could you tell us more about that? Jenny

Ted: I am currently in the final stages of developing the script. But shooting will be contingent on when I'm free from Xena which probably won't be till March of next year.

What is the funniest thing that ever happen to you on the set of Xena?

Ted: I think it is having to walk around in a little loin cloth G string thing for about three days. It was funny to everyone else but, though I desperately to see the humor in it. I would also but that on the level of most embarrassing moments.

Are you going to miss working on Xena? I heard this is the last season.

Ted: That is unconfirmed; but if it ends I will certainly miss it!

What is your all-time favorite movie and why?

Ted: It is a tossup between The Treasure of the Sierra Madre which is probably the most fascinating human studies I've ever seen. And believe it or not The Breakfast Club which I can watch over and over again without getting bored.

How do get into character?

Ted: I used to smack myself with my sword several times but that proved painful. So now I drink five or six cups of coffee and have about four donuts and I'm ready to go.

Hi Ted! *blows a friendly kiss* I really love you as Joxer, but I have a soft spot for Jace. Is there any chance of redemption for him? He never seemed all bad to me.

Ted: I think what you mean is Jett. Jett may return later. As you know, he is currently serving time in prison. But he may break out.

If you were to write a novel about your life so far..what would be the title?

Ted: It would be called Where Am I, How Long Have I Got, Where'd All My Dough Go?

Is there anything we need to look out for upcoming?

Ted: Yes. I'm getting ready to shoot a movie next week called The Attic Expeditions. It stars myself, Seth Green from Buffy and Jeffrey Combs.

Can you tell us your funniest fan story?

Ted: Yes. Once while I was doing a Xena convention in St. Louis, Missouri, a fan knocked on the backstage door and insisted they come in. Then three fans came and said let us in, let us in or we're going to bring three more people back here. I thought that was very funny until six people arrived at the backstage door. Then I had to call security. I'm sure that the six were drunk because they kept trying to ram the door down using all six of them as a battering ram. That is a true story. Finally my security guard came back and shooed them all away. That was scary, bizarre and funny. Being a celebrity can be fun.

How was your experience on the set of Sea Quest, and was Peter D funny on the set?

Ted: Seaquest was a great learning experience for me. Orlando was a blast. Peter Deluise is without a without a doubt one of the funniest people I have met in my life. I still keep in touch with him. I saw him last week as a matter of fact.

God you are sooo cute....!!! Are you married? Any children?

Ted: Thanks! I am not married, I have no children, and I have no girlfriend. I'm all alone in the big bad world.

When do we get to meet Joxer's mother?

Ted: Much laughter!! I don't know of any future episodes when we will meet Joxer's mother. But I think it's such a funny idea I will ask the producers about it.

If you could work with any one star, who would it be?

Ted: Wow! Top of my list would be John Malkovich at the moment. And also I think I'd love to work with James Cagney though I know he's dead. I'd give about anything to watch Cagney in a studio for about 25 minutes to see how he worked. Last, I'd love to work with Danny Kaye. But I know he's dead too.

Hi Ted, i am a HUGE Fan of the show.....and i was wondering, will you be going to any conventions soon?

Ted: Glad you are a fan! Yes, at this point I will be at the Chicago Xena convention. Check the Creation Webpage for details.

What is Lucy Lawless really like?

Ted: Very skinny now. But very happy since her baby Julius was born. On the set she is one of the funniest people that I've ever worked with. Most people don't know it. They think she's very serious like her character. But she is in fact very funny.

What are your hobbies outside of acting?

Ted: Fixing my 1969 Cadillac. Also I love reading, creating board games for my friends, and writing screenplays and playing the piano.

Who is the biggest influence in your life?

Ted: I'd say my mother and father are. In this business longevity is the key and so many actors go for the quick fix of stardom. Once they get there they don't know what to do with it. They usually either blow all their money or plummet some other way. And my folks are good old fashioned Detroit business people and they taught me a lot about being self reliant, working hard and never taking a break. So I have them to thank. Also weekly checks are very helpful.

Thanks for talking with us, Ted! We wish you the absolute best and PLEASE come back soon!

Ted: Thanks for logging in! And if you want to know more check out the Ted Raimi International Fan Club. Goooooood Night!

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